On 20-07-2011 21:50, Dan, dantear...@gmail.com, wrote:

> Hi,

Hello Dan,

> Lookin for some opins...
> I have three Power Mac 7300s plus a ....
> <snip>
> Is there any interest in these old machines?

Well, here in The Netherlands and also in Belgium and Germany I know of some
collectors and even at least 3 "Private Apple/Mac-Museums" looking for any
kind of Apple/Mac items.
For The Netherlands and the Dutch=Flamisch part of Belgium put them on:
For the "rest of the world":

> Would I be better off offering them as routers or basic machines or
> stripped or ?
> (As as home router, they're good for aro 6 to 8 Mbps throughput,
> while offering file services and such).
> LEM Swap or eBay or ?

I would say both and the 2 above. Never shooting is always missing, haha!
For IMHO reusing old Macs is always better then recycling parts.

HTH, Jo Hissel

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