The statements involve all political parties tragic misguidance and so
IMHO less political than most discussion.

Martin N

At 12:04 22/11/2011, you wrote:
Is a comment (and small complaint) about internet privacy and teh
common Man's seeming complete lack of grasp of its import , hinging
on how the tools have been on Macs (and other systems ) for over 2
decades  (  which
I've used)   something "political"?

On Nov 21, 2011, at 6:39 PM, John Callahan wrote:

RE:     From:
        Subject:        Re: connectivity question

        Date:   November 21, 2011 6:22:07 PM EST

I thought political statements were not permitted on the list.

Running MorphOS v2.6 (Nov 2010) on Mac Mini, Moderator of MiniDisc,amithlonopen,bwfc Yahoogroups

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