Sorry about last post my son stole my phone.....
> Why are we discussing slackware for an Intel powered MacPro?

They asked, i gave my two cents, end of story.
> I can understand discussing Intel Mac's, if you are making recommendations 
> about which used Mac computers to consider buying, compared to the 
> performance available on a G4 or G5 PowerMac, but I could not even find a PPC 
> version of slackware during my quick look at their site.  Can we try to keep 
> the discussion here focused on Mac computers with G series CPU's?

FYI,There is its called slackintosh, and it supports g-cpus only( a little 
incomplete but it works)

Its at

The man simply asked, i answered and i have quite a bit of slack experience.

> I don't mind going a little off topic once in a while, but would prefer that 
> this group mainly discuss PPC Mac's, which is where my interest lies.
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Jesse wrote:
>> I would consider slackware
>> It is imho the best distro. Period. And worth a try, on your setup. They 
>> also have a 64-bit branch called slamd64 added to the tree here in the last 
>> few years. Not only is it highly used by nerds, its highly configurably, and 
>> only as complex as you want it.  The user base is highly experienced as 
>> well.........
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