On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:29 PM, Bill Connelly wrote:

Would someone suggest a good agp video card, available today, that I can use in my Quicksilver Dual 1GHz under 10.5.8?

I want to purchase a Samsung 22" HDTV for use as a monitor, and it requires HDMI input. Perhaps a video card with a DVI connector, as I have an extra DVI to HDMI adapter.

I guess the key phrase is "available today" ... not sure about where they are being sold these days, reasonably priced, for a G4.

I currently have a Geforce 4MX in my Quicksilver, and an ATI Radeon 9800Pro in my DA Dual 533 (its DVI to HDMI is being used with a Sony Bravia from time to time). Another ATI Radeon 9800Pro is probably too much of a card for what I will be using it for ... I'm not a gamer.


Another option (instead of the FireGL X3 that I suggested in another email) that is fast, has a DVI output and you might be able to find, is a used ATI Radeon 8500, but not the LE version. The LE version is as slow as the 9100. If you check old benchmarks, the 8500 was faster than many of the Radeon video cards that were released after it. I am in the process of having a 128mb VRAM version of a PC ATI Radeon 8500 converted to use in my dual 1.42GHz G4 PowerMac MDD. In fact I packed it today and will be sending it to the guy for re-flashing it tomorrow. I can't remember what I paid for it on eBay, as I bought it many months ago.

Unfortunately, the Mac bios will only recognize 64mb of the available 128mb of VRAM, but I am searching the Web tonight and the next couple of days hoping to find someone who has figured out a way to get all 128mb of VRAM recognized when used in a G4 Mac computer. I hope that I will find a modified Mac bios for this card that can use all 128mb of VRAM.

Good luck,

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