Hi Dan

> DID Restore of 10.5 and nothing would load on G4 or MacBook(Intel).
> Could this xhd just not be bootable?

It seems likely. I have/had four external Firewire harddisks and only
my old one with an Oxford controller would boot my MDD. Two Diginote
cases have Initio controllers which won't boot my Mac and my newest
Freecom SATA dock which has eSATA, FireWire 400 and 800 plus USB will
also boot my MDD - this one also has an Initio controller albeit a
newer one. The Oxford case (model Pleiades with the G5 design) burnt
its power supply spontaneously as did two other same cases of a
friend, a design fault apparently.

I can make a CCC copy of my system volumes to a Diginote. That CCC
copy is bootable when I clone it back to another internal/bootable
disk it will boot my Mac - but not directly from the Diginote. So it
must be the controller.

Before I bought my Freecom dock I asked their helpdesk if it would
boot my MDD G4. Even the help couldn't tell me if their dock would
boot a Mac. So I went online and looked into some fora with product
reviews and found positive results with Mac users. Then I bought the
dock. Works like a charm and accepts 3.5 and 2.5 inch drives.

Good luck, Jörg.

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