Thank you for the follow up.

I am assuming that you are still using it as it has been a good product
for you?  Vs. no other alternatives.

Griffin still has all the Radio Shark software up and available on their

Maybe I need to hunt down a Radio Shark 2 and give it a try.  The
Internet is so full of poor reviews for this product, I was scared to
look further.


On 07/19/12 11:16 AM, Jeff Bequette wrote:
> I still use a radio shark daily to record Rush to iTunes , for shifted 
> listening.  (work nights, sleep days)  I have the RS1, and can only assume 
> the RS 2 was better.
> On Jul 18, 2012, at 7:48 PM, Jerry wrote:
>> Does anyone have an AM/FM radio that they would recommend?
>> I know years back that Griffin had the Radio Shark and Radio Shark II.
>> I could pick one of those up from eBay or somewhere, but I never saw a
>> good review for either one of those.
>> Thanks for any comments.
>> Jerry

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