ok, i understand your trick and i think that it's the simpliest way to
do that.
Unfortunatly, that's is my parent's pc that i want to clone remotely.
And try to let them produce 1 command line on one pc will be fine, but
with 2pc... you got the point, i will pass some time on the phone !


Kulick a écrit :
> When I say port 24 I really mean port 21 (the FTP protocol).  I r
> smartz.  
> Do not forget to enable remote/global connections for the tunnel
> otherwise it will reject anything not coming in from localhost (ssh -g).
> On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 16:17 -0800, Kulick wrote:
>> Via an adjacent box (read second box on the same local network) he can
>> start an ssh tunnel to the remote host port forwarding port 24 which he
>> can in turn point g4u at....  It is a trick I have used myself :)  

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