On Thu, 28 Feb 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I get this error:error:  "ex0: transmit underrun (9000) @ 80" on a dell gx 
> 110 with nic 3c905 when doing GZIP=1 //uploadpart.  It starts at "@20" and 
> then goes up to "@80".  I am using g4u version 2.3.  I do not get the error 
> when using g4u version 2.0.  I googled this error but could not find an 
> obvious answer.  Any advice appreciated.  I have been using g4u for years. 
> Great program!

Thanks... I have no idea what that error is, but maybe you can try the 
latest 2.4alpha version:

  - Hubert

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