
G4U looks very interesting and I especially like the file system independence. 
I like to use G4U mainly for backup purposes and wonder if there is a way to 
create an image from a partition/disk and store it locally on a different 
disk. To be more specific, I have a system with SATA FakeRAID and two IDEs as 
well as a large eSATA drive. I like to create images from the main disks and 
store those on the eSATA drive. I looked through the documentation and it 
appears as that I can only copy one partition to a different partition 
locally. When I want to create images, that seems to require using FTP.

What would be the steps involved to create an image and store it on the same 
system on a different drive (partition) as an image file?

As mentioned above, I have a system that makes use of a FakeRAID system 
(OpenSuSE/XP64bit on an ASUS M2N32-Deluxe using the nVidia SATA controller). 
Not many *nix systems recognize the FakeRAID and instead see the inidividual 
drives. Does anyone have any experience as to how G4U handles such a setup? I 
use a mirror array so that making an image shouldn't be a problem, I just 
wonder what happens when writing an image back.

Thanks in advance for any advice,


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