jon jon wrote:
> So I want to upload and image of my hard drive to a iomega hard drive. 
> The command I would use would be:
> uploaddisk [mynetworkharddriveip] [nameoffile.gz] [disk]
> command    ip address                   name I give file   wd0
> Do I have the correct command? Can I name the file whatever I want, as 
> long as I have the .gz at the end?
Looks good to me .
> Now if that is the correct command to use, then it will create an 
> image of my hard drive and compress it down in size.
> Does it matter if it 17 GB are written to hard drive? I don't think it 
> does.
It will take a long time.  I usually do GZIP=1  //uploaddisk  ip# 
image.gz wd0
to speed it up but you get a larger image.
> I connect to an iomega network hard drive using a ftp server running 
> slackware.
> There are images already on this network hard drive I am new to this 
> and don't want to write over any images.
> thanks
> jon
It is my understanding that it won't write over an existing image if you 
use ftp and a different image name.  If you use the diskcopy command I 
believe it completely writes over the destination disk.

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