   i used the g4u program dozens of times to clone Fedoras without problems

    I tried cloning an Ubuntu 9.04 system with g4u 2.1 using

##> uploaddisk ftpserver ubuntu.gz  then on clone target:
##> slurpdisk ftpserver ubuntu.gz
all seems ok...

Boot clone...

Loading Grub Stage 1.5

Error #2 
from the grub manual error 2 indicates a problem with some file 
havingincorrect type.
Indeed if I boot the clone with a LiveCD & look into the
restored root partition:  boot, home, opt & others are "NFS stale file 
On clone, if I try a find on the vmlinux kernel filename  -- not found
on ubuntu, this is of course in /boot.
On clone I cannot mv or rm "boot"  or the others

on the Master ubuntu system these look like normal directories with 
files within
df does not report a mount of /boot
no mention of boot in the /etc/mtab file !!

ubuntu's disk was partitioned in 2:   swap & / .

i be puzzled.   --

Gerry R. Grieve                                      ph: 604-822-4320
Systems Manager,                                fax:  604-822-5324
Physics & Astronomy, UBC
6224 Agricultural Rd.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6T 1Z1

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