>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hubert Feyrer [mailto:hub...@feyrer.de]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 5:07 PM
>To: Sorin Srbu
>Cc: Mailing Lists
>Subject: Re: [g4u-help] Shrinking image size
>>> Same as for file systems: fill RAM with spaces. :-)
>>> perl -e '$s=""; while(1){ $s.=" " x 1000;}'
>> Really? That simple?? It won't crash the machine when RAM is filled?
>That depends if your OS is good enough. It shouldn't, but what do I know.

It's CentOS 5.4 x86_64. It chugged along for a while, then said "Killed" and
exited gracefully. The system monitor/memory showed all white. That was
yesterday afternoon. This morning I checked on the preclone-script zeroing a
500GB /home-partition (on a 750GB disk) and removed the 0bits-file. I'm
cloning as I write this. Started cloning the smaller Windows-disk this
morning. Will report later on the image size for the big linux-disk.

Thanks for your help so far!

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