Hi Rich,

On Tue, 17 May 2016, Rich wrote:
> I misunderstood the original instructions.
> Am I now sending this to someone who can help me?
> Reviewing prior posts, I'm not seeing anything past October, 2015.
> Am I missing something?

You hav successfully reached the g4u-help mailing list.
There is little volume here recently, and if I or someone else can help 
you remains to be seen. But let's try! :)

> G4U V-2.5 makes my clones; never a single issue until now.
> BIOS finds keyboard, mouse, and monitor, but G4U does not.
> When finished loading/scanning, the standard menu appears, but keyboard
> has no effect.
> All peripherals (keyboard, video, mouse, audio) work fine with three
> other systems.
> It appears G4U is running into issues with this mobo/BIOS.
> Can do anything to make this work?
> Perhaps some BIOS change I'm unaware of?

I don't (of course) know your hardware and BIOS, but the latter is exactly 
where I would start poking: many BIOSes have some "legacy USB mode" 
setting, which seems to help for NetBSD to recognize your keyboard.

Another thing to try is - after booting - to unplug the keyboard.
Then see if there is anything printed on the screen in green (=kernel 
message) - it should. Likewise, plug the keyboard in again after that, 
more messages should be there. If not, something is very phishy.

Last idea: try different USB ports where you put the keyboard (g4u doesn't 
use the mouse). Some may behave different than others (talking from 
experience - I agree that this should not happen).

As always stuff like this is a bit difficult to debug via email ;)
Let me know if any of these helps!

  - Hubert

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