Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace (WLP) in
collaboration with Feminist International Radio Endeavor (FIRE) and Women's
International News Gathering Service (WINGS)will present a live web-cast
discussion on the website www.fire.or.cr Monday through Thursday, 24-27
September 2001 at 11:30 am (US Eastern Standard Time). Check time
differences and confirm your local time at www.worldtimeserver.com.
Participants include: Mahnaz Afkham - President, Women's Learning
partnership and former Minister of State for Women's Affairs in Iran, Suheir
Azzouni - former Executive Director of the Women's Affairs TEchnical
Committee and has written and lectured extensively on Plaestinian women's
rights, Charlotte Bunch - Executive Director of the Center for Women's
Global Leadership at Rutgers University, Devaki Jain - Founding Member of
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Joanna Kerr -
Executive Director of the Association for Women's Rights in Development,
Asma Khader - Executive Committee Member of the International Commission of
Jurists and leading advocate of the campaign to outlaw honour killings in
Jordan, Huguette Labelle - former President of the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA), Ayo Obe - President of Nigeria's Civil Liberties
Organization, Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo - former Prime Minister of
Portugal, Jacqueline Pitanguy - leading women's rights activist and
sociologist specializing in public health and gender issues, and Aruna Rao -
coordinator of the Gender At Work Collaborative a global initiative to
establish knowledge and action work on institutional change for gender
equality. For more information contact Women's Learning Partnership at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or see their website at

Jeannie Ash de Pou
United Nations INSTRAW
Tel: (809) 685-2111
Fax: (809) 685-2117

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