"Identities": Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Summer 2001

The Research Center in Gender Studies is very happy to inform You that in September 2001 the first issue of “Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture” was published.

The Journal consists of three parts (Politics/Identity; Gender/Sexuality/Identity; Culture/Identity). The rest of the Journal offers a significant number of succinct, summarizing reviews of the latest books and journals that appear in the rest of the world (notably in Western Europe and USA). “Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture” is published bilingually, in Macedonian and English (French), in order to communicate regionally and be visible internationally.

"Identities": Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Summer 2001



Katerina Kolozova: Imagining the Face of the "Real": Some Considerations about War and Violence

Immanuel Wallerstein: "Cultures in Conflict? Who are We? Who are the Others?"

Alla Ivanchikova: Foucault on Laughter


Jasna Koteska: The Sexual Strategy of the Son in Kafka: Terrorism and Exile

Judith Halberstam: Thugs, Geezers and Kings: Post-imperial Masculinities

Elizabeth Grosz: Lesbian Fetishism?


Miruse Hodza: The Path, Cyclicity and the Theatre (Or: On What Ground Do We Define the Term Universality, In the Context Of the Theatre

Rada Ivekovic: Le sexe de la nation

Marina Grzinic: Monstrous bodies and subversive errors

Richard Rorty: Feminism and Pragmatism

Aleksandra Bubevska: "Is being a women enough?"; Towards Deep breathing by Sonja Abazieva, Skopje: Scenpoint, 2001.

Irena Stefovska: "The Challenges of the Polylogue"; Towards Sense and Matricide by Miglena Nikolchina, Skopje: Sigmapres, 2000.

Sofija Grandakovska: "Unius principii"; Towards Androgyne: The Utopia of the Perfect Sex by Maja Bojadzievska, Skopje: Sigmapress, 1999.

Despina Angelovska: Towards The End of Capitalism (as we know it), A Feminist critique of political economy by J-K Gibson-Graham, Blackwell Publishers, 1996.

Victor Shikov: "A Net of Little Stories, Feministic Hunt in the Postbiological Landscape", Towards ModestWitness@Second_Millenium. FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse. New York & London: Routledge, 1997.

Bobi Badarevski: Towards Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory by Lawrence M. Hinman, 2nd Edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt, Brace, 1997

Robert Alagjozovski: "Theory Remains Left"; Towards What’s left Of Theory? New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory, ed. Judith Butler, et.al., New York & London: Routledge, 2000.

Vesna Krstevska, Towards: Women in Greek myth by Mary R. Lefkowitz, London: Bristol Classical Press, 1995.

Ida Nikolovska, "Re-reading Dorothy Dinnerstein"; Towards The Mermaid and The Minotaur by Dorothy Dinnerstein, New York: Other Press, 1995.

Executive Editors
Katarina Kolozova
Zarko Trajanoski

Advisory board
Rossi Braidoti, University of Utrecht
Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley
Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes, Editor of "Transeuropéennes", Paris
Elisabeth Grosz, Buffalo University - State University of New York
Marina Grzinic, Slovenian Academy of Science and Art
Judith Halberstam, University of California, San Diego
Petar Krasztev, Central European University, Budapest
Hanne Lorek, Humboldt University, Berlin
Vladimir Milcin, University of Skopje
Miglena Nikolcina, University of Sofia
Zarana Papic, University of Belgrade
Svetlana Slapsak, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis – Ljubljana

Associate Editors
Jasna Koteska (Sexualities/Identities)
Elizabeta Seleva (Culture/Identities)
Katarina Kolozova (Politics/Identities)
Zarko Trajanoski (Politics/Identities)

Editorial Office
Research Centre in Gender Studies
Euro-Balkan Institute
"Partizanski odredi" 63
Skopje, Macedonia
{ HYPERLINK "http://www.euba.org.mk" }www.euba.org.mk/identities.htm

Financially supported by "Kvinna Till Kvinna"

Subscription: Macedonia, 1 year: 10$ individuals (plus postage expenses), 15$ institutions (plus postage expenses). Eastern Europe, 1 year: 10$ individuals (plus postage expenses), 15$ institutions (plus postage expenses). Other countries: 1 year: 20$ individuals (plus postage expenses), institutions: 40$ (plus postage expenses). Contact for subscrition and contributions: Dusica Dimitrovska-Gajdoska, Identities, "Partizanski odredi" 63, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website: www.euba.org.mk/identities.htm

Notice to Contributors
Please type all copy – including reference list and notes – double-spaced and allow generous margins on both sides, on the top and the bottom.

Place the notes at the end of the paper, just before the reference list.

Use font size 12, both for the notes and the reference list

For the citations and references, it is recommended to apply the standard outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style.

Dusica Dimitrovska Gajdoska Technical editor Identities: Jorunal for Politics, Gender and Culture Research Center in Gender Studies Euro Balkan Institute Parizanski odredi 63 1000 Skopje Macedonia tel/fax:++389 2 375 570 www.euba.org.mk/identities.htm e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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