In the past (perhaps with v. 0.15 of so) I was able to voice-chat with a user 
directly connected to the Internet on their end.
My Gajim is on the LAN behind a router, his Gajim and Jitsi were on a machine 
directly plugged into a DSL modem.

I am trying to do that with Gajim 0.16.5 and it is not working. It is not even 
working when the same user connects to my LAN over VPN.
It is not even working between 2 machines on my LAN. They are in the same 
sub-net with no firewalls whatsoever.

Pressing microphone or webcam button does absolutely nothing with the Gajim 
clients, and if they are using Jitsi they get a call that never connects.

I never get their calls in Gajim, as if they never tried to initiate audio or 
video call.

The file transfers do not work either. I can probably send one file on the LAN, 
but sending 2-3 files results in 1 of them getting forever stuck on my end at 
96% and on their end they appear as cancelled as if I stopped the transfer on 
my end.
File transfers over the Internet do not work at all, they all appear cancelled 
on the receiving end. When that user connects via VPN it does not work too. The 
VPN setup is such that they can only connect to the XMPP server and do not have 
a direct connection to any other hosts on the LAN. The XMPP server has media 
and file transfer proxies enabled.

So bottom line is – nothing but text messaging works at all.

Did anyone else try to use Gajim for voice, video and file transfers? Did that 

This is so odd: there is a dozen open source chat programs out there such as 
Miranda, Phi, Pidgin, Ekiga, Gajim, Jitsi etc that advertise the voice/video 
calls, but none of them actually work for me, and my LAN/WAN set up is nothing 
unorthodox.  Jitsi to Jitsi kind of works, and at some point I was able to even 
share desktop simultaneously with voice/video chat, but there is a one big 
show-stopper about Jitsi: it constantly freezes solid under Linux and has to be 
killed and re-started. It also freezes solid when switching keyboard to a 
non-Latin layout. So I cannot use that and have to look for other solution, but 
none works.

I could ask Yann if he ever tested these scenarios, but he does not seem to be 
forthcoming towards the bug reports as of lately, so I am not holding my breath.

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