On 05/10/2016 02:42 AM, Илья Валеев wrote:
> Hello!
> 1. Sender
> Gajim 0.16.5, Debian 8 x64, GnuPG 2.0.26
> 2. Recipient
> Gajim 0.16.5-1, Windows 7 x64, Gpg4win 2.3.1 (GnuPG 2.0.30)
> I created 2 RSA+RSA keys on sender computer, then copy 1 keypair and 1
> open key to recipient computer. There are 2 problems:
> *I. Not trusted key*
> #8122 <https://trac.gajim.org/ticket/8122> still affects on windows.
> When I want to send message from recipient to sender, I got message
> about "Key is not trusted". Shield icon in message window tells that
> key is trusted. Actually trust level is 5.
> Unfortunately I can not write to issue tracker, it say I am spammer
> and show captcha only once (I did not resolve it).
> *II. Cyrillic decryption on Windows*
> When I send non-cyrillic message from sender to recipient, it
> decrypted normally. When I send cyrillic message, it does not shows on
> recipient computer. On sender computer message displayed as not
> delivered. Does not matter what next messages would be: they would not
> be displayed.
> XML console still shows that messages arrives. I can send message from
> recipient to sender at any moment and everything is ok.
> GnuPG on recipient computer has broken encoding output in cmd.exe
> until I delete Path-to-GPG4win\share\locale\ru, but any other
> functions works correct.
> I attach 2 XML console logs. 1st message non-cyrillic, 2nd cyrillic,
> 3rd non-cyrillic.
> Can you help me, how can I resolve this issues? What information
> should I provide?

For your first problem, we just raise wht gpg tells us. If Gajim says
you don't trust the key, it's because gpg says so. Do you trust your own
key? We encrypt to both our key and recipient key so carbon can work

For your second problem, I recently worked with another user on
improving that. And if you install this version [0], it should be fixed:
[0]: https://gajim.org/downloads/snap/win/gajim_0.16.5_gpg7.exe


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