Zachariah K Zachariah wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am having some trouble compiling SAMtools on a Solaris10 X86 p latform 
> using gcc compiler version 3.4.6. Using the Makefile I get some link errors 
> and have not been successful in creating the binary or the associated 
> libraries. It seemed to me that it was missing the socket library. I tried 
> adding -lsocket to the compile directive but landed up with no resolution. 
> Here is a transcript of the make command used to build the binary file. I'd 
> sure appreciate some help/pointers from experienced people of this list. 
> Thanks in advance. 


This is a question more suitable for the SAMtools mailing list(s) since
it's not specific to Galaxy:

That said, I'll try to help answer your question.

> root >> make 
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/zkzac/samtools-0.1.12a' 
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home/zkzac/samtools-0.1.12a' 
> gcc -g -Wall -O2 -o samtools bam_tview.o bam_maqcns.o bam_plcmd.o sam_view.o 
> bam_rmdup.o bam_rmdupse.o bam_mate.o bam_stat.o bam_color.o bamtk.o kaln.o 
> bam2bcf.o bam2bcf_indel.o errmod.o sample.o libbam.a -lm -lcurses -lz 
> -Lbcftools -lbcf 
> Undefined first referenced 
> symbol in file 
> socket libbam.a(knetfile.o) 
> setsockopt libbam.a(knetfile.o) 
> connect libbam.a(knetfile.o) 
> getaddrinfo libbam.a(knetfile.o) 
> freeaddrinfo libbam.a(knetfile.o) 
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to samtools 
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
> make[1]: *** [samtools] Error 1 
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/zkzac/samtools-0.1.12a' 
> make: *** [all-recur] Error 1 

I'm not sure where you added socket to the compilation but it's not
present when linking.  If it was in the right place, you'd see it in the
output of 'gcc -o samtools' as above.  I added it to the Makefile like

samtools:lib-recur $(AOBJS)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(AOBJS) libbam.a -lm $(LIBPATH) $(LIBCURSES) -lz 
-Lbcftools -lbcf -lsocket -lnsl

Note -lnsl, you probably need that too.

Hope this helps,

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