On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Nate Coraor <n...@bx.psu.edu> wrote:
> Ryan Golhar wrote:
>> I have a local instance running.  When I'm logged in as user1, log
>> out, then try to log in as user2, I keep getting the "You have been
>> logged out" message.
>> Its as if the browser's cache is retaining some information.  To get
>> around this, after I log out as user1, I have to click on Analyze
>> Data, then click on Log in to log in as user2.
>> I'm running Safari on Mac, but have noticed this with Firefox as well.
> Hi Ryan,
> The login page will redirect you back to whatever page you to whatever
> page you were on before clicking log in.  If this page is the logout
> page, the behavior you reported will be what happens.  If you log in
> from any other page, this should go away.

Bug confirmed on Firefox on Mac, and Chrome on Windows using

I guess you just need to say if the previous page was the logout
page, go to the main page instead, rather than a blind redirect.

Issue filed:

I expect many people to be caught out by this (back when I was
debugging a proxy problem I was probably hitting this bug too).



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