
I've encountered a strange combination of factors that results in file access 
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong - any advice will be appreciated.

I'm using Apache + XSendFile.

when viewing a strict BED file, everything works, because the actual dataset 
filename is passed on to Apache/XSendFile.

When viewing any other kind of interval file, Galaxy first creates a temporary 
file in strict BED format ( in "Interval::as_ucsc_display_file()" ).
This method uses "tempfile.mkstemp()", which is documented to create a 
temporary file with user-only read/write access (no group or world access).
So when the file name is passed on to apache/XsendFile - apache can't read the 
file and returns 404.

I'm wondering if anyone else encountered such problem, or is my configuration 
is somehow wrong.

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