I'll just chime in quickly with an agreement that FASTQ files should not have 
dbkeys set. They don't yet belong to a build/reference genome version. Some 
tools/workflows may currently require a FASTQ file to have the dbkey set, but 
this should be considered a work-around for a defect in a tool xml. I'll let 
someone else on the team address Tophat and the suggestions specifically.

Thanks for using Galaxy,


On May 17, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Dave Walton wrote:

> I'd like to get a better understanding of the point of the database/build
> attribute, and pose the question of when is the appropriate time to have it
> set?
> In our case at the Jackson Laboratory, the most common build is  NCBI37/MM9.
> However, the feeling of many folks here, is that this should not be set on
> our fastq files.  The only place we really run into trouble is with
> cufflinks.  If you haven't set the db when you get to cufflinks you'll get
> an error.
> Our suggestion is that there should be one of two options:
> 1)  Tophat has the ability to set the database of the output files based on
> the genome that was selected for alignment.
> 2)  There should be a module that can be plugged into a workflow that would
> set the database of the file prior to passing the file to cufflinks (or any
> other two that requires the database attribute to be set).
> We are curious if anyone else is running into this issue, and how it is
> being solved.
> We're thinking about hacking the Tophat wrapper, but I wanted to check with
> others before I did this.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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