Hello all,

The new Galaxy wiki features a Galaxy News page and RSS feed for items of
interest to the Galaxy community.  The news page is a good way to get
information out to the community and is less intrusive than posting to the
Galaxy mailing lists.  Anyone can create a news items by following
directions on the news page, or by sending the item to
outre...@galaxyproject.org.  News items automatically become items in the
Galaxy News RSS feed, and are also automatically listed in the right bar on
the wiki home page.

The most recent posting is about the new Galaxy paper "Making whole genome
multiple alignments usable for biologists" appearing in Bioinformatics.

News Page
RSS Feed
How to post a news item

Please let me know if you have any questions (or news items).


Dave C.

Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:


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