Le 29/08/2011 18:54, Nate Coraor a écrit :
Louise-Amélie Schmitt wrote:
Le 29/08/2011 15:52, Nate Coraor a écrit :
Louise-Amélie Schmitt wrote:
Hello everyone,

These questions are a bit silly but I'm really ignorant when it
comes to security. Sorry about that.

Why use API keys instead of  user names? Is it to to prevent anyone
>from figuring out who is behind an URL? Or did I miss the point?
Hi L-A,

To provide a username password, we'd either need to implement HTTP
Authentication in Galaxy for these resources, or encode it in the URL.
If in the URL, the password have to be non-plaintext which would require
encoding on the user's end.  The key model seemed to be simplest since
it doesn't require you to handle HTTP Authentication in your client-side

Ok, I actually missed the point, thanks! :D

Also, why encrypt the dataset/library/folder ids when a simple
display is enough to get them?
Anywhere that the IDs are visible are remnants of old code and should
eventually be removed.
Sorry I meant the encrypted ids. Why encrypt them? is it to prevent
any direct use of the database?
There are a couple of reasons - the first is that since by default, data
is public, we wanted to make it non-trivial to just run sequentially
through IDs to view related data.

The other is that some people may prefer that it not be obvious how many
datasets/jobs/libraries/etc. there are on their server.

Ok, thanks a lot for all this information! :)





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