Ann Black wrote:
> I figured out a solution.  The sun grid engine will strip back the env of 
> what gets passed along with the job submission.  I added a native drmaa 
> option, -V, which caused the env vars found on the shell that submits the job 
> to be passed along.  Therefore all the environment setup I did in my galaxy 
> user's .bash_profile and thus configured in my local shell running galaxy now 
> gets propagated with my job submissions.  This does not allow changes to 
> .bash_profile to be picked up dynamically, however, since the .bash_profile 
> is not sourced on each compute node.  IE changes made to the galaxy user's 
> env needs to be re-sourced in the shell that runs galaxy and dispatches the 
> jobs.
> Thanks - hope this helps others,

Hi Ann,

For SGE, you can also use ~/.sge_request to set up the environment on
the execution host.


> Ann
> On Sep 12, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Ann Black wrote:
> > Hello everyone -
> > 
> > I am also running into this issue trying to get galaxy integrated with our 
> > sun grid engine.  My galaxy user's .bash_profile does not appear to get 
> > sourced when the jobs run. I augmented the sample tutorial 
> > such that it output path and user info so I could see how the jobs were 
> > being run:
> > 
> > out = open( sys.argv[2], "w" )
> > out2 = open("/data/galaxy-dist/ann.out", "w")
> > out2.write(socket.gethostname())
> > out2.write("\n")
> > out2.write(os.environ['PATH'])
> > out2.write("\n")
> > drmaa = os.environ.get('DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH')
> > if drmaa is None:
> >   out2.write("None")
> > else:
> >   out2.write(os.environ.get('DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH'))
> > out2.write("\n")
> > out2.write(str(os.geteuid()))
> > out2.write("\n")
> > out2.write(str(os.getegid()))
> > shutil.copytree("/data/galaxy-dist/database/pbs","/data/galaxy-dist/ann")
> > 
> > the job is being dispatched as my galaxy user, however the my augments to 
> > PATH and additional env vars that I have exported in our galaxy user's 
> > .bash_profile are not present when the script runs (ie, .bash_profile is 
> > not sourced).  When I use qsub to manually run the galaxy script that gets 
> > generated under database/pbs, the output to ann.out reflects my PATH and 
> > exported env vars.
> > 
> > Was there any other solution to this issue besides the script 
> > augment?
> > 
> > Thanks much for your help,
> > 
> > Ann
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