
I'm looking to add a tool that works with a custom datatype that would 
dynamically generate input parameter options based on the dataset metadata.

For example,

A dataset of type foo contains metadata as follows:

descfields = ['label','description']
quantfields = ['qualityscore','othernumericvalue']

These values are parsed directly out of the dataset and stored into the 
metadata via the foo datatype class.  However the number of values within the 
list could vary among datasets of type foo.

Now I'd like to configure a tool that generates input parameter for each of the 
descfields values in the list as well as for each of the quantfields values in 
its list.

I understand that this may be outside of the scope of the current tool syntax 
but if anyone could provide some direction to how tools can be made more 
'dynamic' using their metadata it would be greatly appreciated.  One idea was 
to dynamically generate the <tool>.xml and dynamically loading it upon request. 
 But not sure if this would integrate well.

Thanks for your feedback!

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