On Dec 9, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Steven Platt wrote:

> Hi,
> We wrap our tools in perl and ruby scripts and have them execute in a
> randomly named folder. Things all work well, both in & out of workflow,
> until I want to merge the log files of workflow components as later
> tools don't know where the previous were running. 
> Ideally I'd like to run all tools in the same (randomly named) folder
> and write all logs to one file. The first tool can easily name & create
> the folder but how do I invisibly pass this filepath to subsequent
> tools?
> I've managed to write the filepath as an output file & send it to the
> second tool in workflow, but this appears to require a txt data
> parameter that is visible to the user and is auto-populated from history
> if the tool is used out of workflow. Plus it's not the seamless passage
> of data I'm looking for.
> I'll obviously need to build in some code to accommodate running tools
> out of workflow i.e. when filepath = nil, but I think that'll be the
> easy part.

Hi Steve,

This concept of writing to an input breaks Galaxy's goal of reproducibility via 
input immutability.  I think one way you could do this within Galaxy's existing 
model would be to have each tool write your desired log output to the output 
dataset's extra_files_path, and then have a tool that runs at the end of your 
workflow that concatenates all of the log files.


> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Steve
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