
I am trying to use the FastX tools on the Main server to trim and manipulate 
FASTQ files extracted directly from an sff file (again using the main galaxy 
web server).  In using Clip and the Reverse compliment tools, I get the 
following error:

An error occurred running this job: fastx_reverse_complement: (or fastx_clip) 
found invalid nucleotide sequence (gactGCGACTCACGTACAGCAATGCACATACTATATTATATC) 
on line 2

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

I have downloaded the fastx tool kit and installed it locally on my computer 
and experience the same problem, so I suspect that it is a format error.  My 
fastq file looks like this:


Can someone tell me what the format should be?  I have tried converting the 
fastq file into a different format, to no avail.  And I have extracted the 
FASTA and FASTA.qual files directly from the sff file, recombined them 
together, and still had the program fail to clip or reverse compliment the 

So, i am at a loss as to what the format should look like.  All of the 
extractions were done directly on the sff file uploaded to galaxy.


James Borrone

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