Dear Galaxy Community,

The *latest Galaxy distribution* has been released: March 12, 2012 Galaxy Development News Brief <>

*Mercurial pull:*
    new:     % hg clone galaxy-dist
    upgrade: % hg pull -u -r 40f1816d6857

*Important Upcoming Changes to Tool Organization: *

The _*Emboss tools and Emboss datatypes will be eliminated from the Galaxy distribution in the NEXT release*_. Other tools currently in the Galaxy distribution will be eliminated in following releases. Those hosting local Galaxy instances should read this revised *"Migrating tools"* <> section of the Galaxy tool shed wiki to understand how this process will work:

*Migrating tools from the Galaxy distribution to the Galaxy Main tool shed <>*

/(Summary)/ In 2012, the Galaxy development team will begin the process of /migrating the tools that are currently available in the Galaxy distribution to the Galaxy Main tool shed/. This will enable those that host local Galaxy instances much more flexibility in choosing to provide only those specific tools in which their users are interested. Read more... <>

*Release Highlights: *

 * *Galaxy tools:* XML configuration
   managing tool panel layout
   and Galaxy tool versions

 * *RNA-Seq Tools:* Added *CuffMerge* <>
   version 1.0.0, Updated *TopHat* <> default

 * *External Display Apps:* Added
   RViewer<>, Updated *IGV *

 *   Visualize ENCODE<>  "peak" datatype
   tracks in the Galaxy Track Browser (aka Trackster)

 *   Multiple *Workflow* updates including enhancements to/input
   dataset options, display modes, and sharing

 * CloudMan<> now offers
   /preliminary support for OpenNebula cloud type
   and a larger default tools volume(10GB vs old 2GB)

*Need help with a local instance? *

 * *Installation* and *Admin* Instructions:

 * *Search* with our custom google tools:

     * All Galaxy mailings lists
       <>for prior Q & A
     * Information about deploying, developing, customizing, and
       administering <> Galaxy
     * Information about using
       <> Galaxy

 * *Consider* subscribing to the galaxy-dev

Thanks for using Galaxy,

The Galaxy team
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