Are you seeing this with any BED file, or just those where the chrom column
is "1" rather than "chr1"? Column auto-detection for interval files looks
for a name like chr, contig, scaffold, ...

James Taylor, Assistant Professor, Biology/CS, Emory University

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Anthonius deBoer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have noticed for a while now that BED files are not recognized correctly
> or at least not parsed out correctly.
> I notice that invariably, the (9 column) BED file comments state there is
> 1 region and X comments, where X + 1 is the actual number of regions in the
> file..
> [image: Capture.JPG]
> Here's a few lines from the file
> 13807695038077349 utr3:RSPO11- 38077349380773490,0,2551 3807742038078426
> utr3:RSPO11 -3807842638078426 0,0,25513807842638078593 cds:RSPO11-38078426
> 38078593255,0,01 3807937538079564cds:RSPO11 -3807937538079564 255,0,01
> 3807985538080005 cds:RSPO11- 3807985538080005255,0,01 3808215538082347
> cds:RSPO11 -3808215538082347 255,0,013809523938095333 cds:RSPO11- 38095239
> 38095333255,0,01 3809533338095621utr5:RSPO11 -3809562138095621 0,0,255
> Any ideas why it thinks there are comments in the file and why only one
> region?
> The file is a regular txt file without the LF and is not DOS format or
> anything...
> It also does not parse out the name, score and strand info, but once I
> correct that manually, it works, but it is a pain to have to do that
> everytime...
> Thanks,
> Thon
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