How can I change the "chromosome" name on a wig file to "chr"? FOr whatever 
reason when I try feeding 
this file with the program i am working with (CEAS package) it gives me an 
error. But when I use a wig file 
with chr it works fine

This is how my wiggle file looks like: 
track type=wiggle_0 name="MACS_in_Galaxy_treat_CHROMOSOME_II" 
description="Shifted Merged MACS 
tag counts for every 1 bp"
variableStep chrom=CHROMOSOME_II span=1
1       3
2       4
3       5

And this is how I need it to be: 
track type=wiggle_0 name="MACS_in_Galaxy_treat_I" description="Shifted Merged 
MACS tag counts for 
every 1 bp"
variableStep chrom=I span=1
570     1
571     1
572     1

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