On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Dannon Baker <dannon.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This isn't an issue with postgresql or mysql; they don't use a temporary
> table for table alterations.

Oh good :)

> Can you open up the sqlite database if you
> still have it and see what the contents of the migrate_tmp table were?
> They'll be a copy of a prior migrated table, I'm just curious what from --
> it should have been cleaned up previously in the event of successful
> migrations.

It looks like whatever was there has been lost (which doesn't really
worry me on this machine - it is a test setup only):

$ sqlite3 database/universe.sqlite
SQLite version 3.6.20
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select * from migrate_tmp;
Error: no such table: migrate_tmp

> My hunch is that previously various scripts threw a lot of errors for mysql
> and so this table wasn't automatically cleaned up after after the execution
> of one of those migration scripts, but the old version of sqlalchemy-migrate
> didn't care if it existed or not and would overwrite it, while the new
> version is more reticent to delete the table (which is probably more
> reasonable, should you need to recover data after an unsuccessful
> migration).

That makes sense.

> In any event, to fix it, you'll want to make sure that the contents of that
> migrate_tmp table aren't something you want and drop it, downgrade to 114,
> then upgrade to 115 again.  If I can recreate this I'll work on a more
> reasonable solution.

One idea might be to name the migration_tmp tables using the schema
revision to avoid clashes, e.g. migration_115_tmp in this case?

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