
Our lab recently installed a local version of Galaxy on Mac OS X 10.8
and can access it at localhost:8080. Now we are trying to install
Bowtie version 1 but need help getting it to work. At this point we do
not see the tool listed on the left side of the Galaxy menu. Here are
the exact steps we followed:

1. create directory /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools_dependencies
2. in universe_wsgi.ini set tool_dependency_dir = tools_dependencies
3. in /etc/paths append /Users/administrator/galaxy-dist/tools_dependencies
4. create tools_dependencies/bowtie/1.0.0/bin
5. create symbolic link tools_dependencies/bowtie/default to directory in step 4
6. download Bowtie, extract it, and copy binaries to

Problem: Bowtie is still not appearing in menu on the left side of Galaxy

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