On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Ganote, Carrie L <cgan...@iu.edu> wrote:
> Hi John,
> That was it. I feel silly. I still have a lot of tooth-cutting to do on 
> python!
> I saw the parallel tags in the Blast tool and was very intrigued, but 
> couldn't find reference to it in the read-the-docs or on the Galaxy wiki. 
> Perhaps there is some documentation of this that I missed?

No I don't think there is documentation unless you count the code base
the mailing list archive. I think setting use_tasked_jobs to True in
universe_wsgi.ini might be all you need to do to start splitting such
blast inputs. I think the parallelism tag in the tool file describes
how to split the inputs.

# This enables splitting of jobs into tasks, if specified by the
particular tool config.
# This is a new feature and not recommended for production servers yet.
#use_tasked_jobs = False

I don't use this functionality (at least not in this fashion) so I
don't have a lot of advice. Otherwise, if you have a AMQP thing
working you should probably just stick with that sounds like a
perfectly good way to go.


> In our case, the python splitting program is doing this:
> * Take the blast query
> * Split the sequences up
> * For each sequence, submit the query and the command to a queue on a 
> RabbitMQ server (Consumers are set up to listen for queries and then run the 
> jobs).
> * Write each result to a temp file
> * When all of the sequence jobs are finished, concat the files back in the 
> correct order and write to the output file Galaxy expects
> I made a wrapper for this splitter and it works fine on its own. Now I'm 
> trying to add this functionality (run on AMQP) as a user-available option on 
> the Blast tool. So for my dynamic runner, I need to know whether to send the 
> job to DRMAA or to this AMQP python script. Hopefully that makes more sense...
> Thanks so much for the help!
> -Carrie
> ________________________________________
> From: jmchil...@gmail.com [jmchil...@gmail.com] on behalf of John Chilton 
> [chil...@msi.umn.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 3:52 PM
> To: Ganote, Carrie L
> Cc: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu
> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Tool params passed to python dynamic job runner
> I am not sure why the quotations marks are there in the first place,
> but I do see the problem. replace and strip return new strings, they
> don't modify the existing variable. This is demonstrated below:
> % python
>>>> x = ' "Moo Cow" '
>>>> x
> ' "Moo Cow" '
>>>> x.replace("\"", "").strip()
> 'Moo Cow'
>>>> x
> ' "Moo Cow" '
>>>> x=x.replace("\"", "").strip()
>>>> x
> 'Moo Cow'
> You will want to change the line:
> modulePath.replace("\"", "").strip()
> to
> modulePath = modulePath.replace("\"", "").strip()
> You should also take a look at the Galaxy task splitting framework. It
> already has the ability to split up blast jobs into multiple tasks. I
> am not sure the dynamic job runner is what you want for that use case.
> -John
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Ganote, Carrie L <cgan...@iu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I've run into a frustration recently with passing values to the dynamic job
>> runner from a tool. Here's what's going on:
>> in ncbi_blastn_wrapper.xml:
>>     <param name="pathToModule" type="hidden" value="/abs/path/to/module" />
>> ...
>> in dynamic_runner.py:
>> ...
>> def blastn_wrapper(job):
>>    incoming = dict( [ ( p.name, p.value ) for p in job.parameters ] )
>>    modulePath = incoming["pathToModule"]
>>    modulePath.replace("\"", "").strip()
>>    dummy = '/abs/path/to/module'
>>    equals  = (modulePath == dummy)
>>    log.debug( '\n~%s~\n~%s~\nsame? %s' % (mypath, dummy, equals) )
>> ...
>> log:
>> ~"/abs/path/to/module"~
>> ~/abs/path/to/module~
>> same? False
>> I have no idea why these "" are persisting, or if that is even the problem.
>> I can't find the modulePath when using os.path.exists(modulePath).
>> What I want to do is optionally (user checks a box) run another python
>> script that splits up the blast queries into a bunch of jobs and submits
>> each job separately - and I was just going to import this other script using
>> sys.append(modulePath) in some poor attempt to keep the system cleaner.
>> If this is a problem with my understanding of python, please enlighten me -
>> if there are other tools that pass around paths or if there's another way to
>> do this in less hacky way, I'm open to advice.
>> Thanks!
>> Carrie Ganote
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