Hi Joahcim,

Thanks so much for your reply. The problem has actually been resolved
thanks to a response from Federico Zambelli. Embarrassingly, it did not
occur to me that because the passwords had been created while PBKDF2
encryption was enabled, that I would need to reset them after disabling
it :P. The FTP server appears to be working fine now.


On 09/05/2013 03:21 AM, Joachim Jacob | VIB | wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> I remembered having a hard time getting this to work. After it worked, 
> networkadmins decided to disallow ftp connections at our university due 
> to security concerns...
> I do not remember the solution (...), but I can share my config files (I 
> am using apache instead of nginx):
> This is my working 'proftp.conf':
> # This is the ProFTPD configuration file
> # Server Config - config used for anything outside a <VirtualHost> or 
> <Global> context
> ServerName            "BITS Galaxy FTP"
> ServerIdent            on "Welcome to BITS Galaxy FTP server."
> ServerType            standalone
> #ServerAdmin            root@localhost
> #Umask                0066
> SyslogFacility                  DAEMON
> SyslogLevel                     debug
> DefaultRoot            ~ !adm
> CreateHome                      on 700 uid 600 gid 601
> PassivePorts            39000 40000
> MaxInstances                    30
> User                            galaxy
> Group                           galaxy
> #UseFtpUsers             off
> #AuthPAM                off
> # Don't do reverse DNS lookups (hangs on DNS problems)
> UseReverseDNS            off
> MaxInstances            20
> # Define the log formats
> LogFormat            default    "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
> LogFormat            auth    "%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
> # General database support 
> (http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sql.html)
> #LoadModule mod_sql.c
> # Support for base-64 or hex encoded MD5 and SHA1 passwords from SQL tables
> #LoadModule mod_sql_passwd.c
> # Postgresql support (requires proftpd-postgresql package)
> # (http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sql.html)
> # LoadModule mod_sql_postgres.c
> <Global>
>    # Allow users to overwrite files and change permissions
>    AllowOverwrite          on
>    AllowStoreRestart               on
>    # Bar use of SITE CHMOD
>    <Limit SITE_CHMOD>
>      DenyAll
>    </Limit>
>    # Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop
>    <Limit RETR>
>      DenyAll
>    </Limit>
>    SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
>    # get FTP connection over SSH
>    DefaultServer            on
>    SFTPEngine             on
>    SFTPLog             /var/log/proftpd-sftp.log
>    Port                 8822
>    # Set up mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as 
> hex-encoded SHA1
>    SQLPasswordEngine               on
>    SQLPasswordEncoding             hex
>    RequireValidShell          off
>    # Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database
>    SQLEngine                       on
>    SQLBackend                      postgres
>    SQLConnectInfo                  galaxydb@ galaxyftp **********
>    SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1
>    SQLAuthenticate                 users
>    # An empty directory in case chroot fails
>    SQLDefaultHomedir               /mnt/galaxytemp/ftptmp
>    SQLDefaultGID              601
>    SQLDefaultUID              600
>    SQLMinID              95
>    # Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry.  
> UID and GID should match your Galaxy user.
>    SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
>    SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT 
> "email,password,'600','601','/mnt/galaxydb/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM 
> galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"
> </Global>
> Good luck,
> Joachim
> Joachim Jacob
> Contact details: http://www.bits.vib.be/index.php/about/80-team
> On 09/05/2013 02:46 AM, Panzer, Adam wrote:
>> Hello Devs,
>> I've been trying for a while now to get ProFTPD working for our local
>> instance. I have:
>> 1) Modified pg_hba.conf
>> 2) Set up the ProFTPD config files
>> 3) Disabled PBKDF2 password encryption by adding use_pbkdf2 = false to
>> universe_wsgi.ini
>> I've read through the posts from others with this issue and made sure to
>> avoid some of the common pitfalls like forgetting to install/enable
>> mod_sql.c, mod_sql_postgres.c, and LoadModule mod_sql_passwd.c or having
>> an incorrect/<999 uid/gid in proftpd.conf. Even so, when I attempt to
>> access the server through FileZilla, it continues to kick back login
>> errors for all users:
>> Status:    Resolving address of localhost
>> Status:    Connecting to
>> Status:    Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
>> Response:    220 ProFTPD 1.3.4a Server (Jay2) [::ffff:]
>> Command:    USER panze...@kids.wustl.edu
>> Response:    331 Password required for panze...@kids.wustl.edu
>> Command:    PASS ***********
>> Response:    530 Login incorrect.
>> Error:    Critical error
>> Error:    Could not connect to server
>> I have included the contents of the relevant config files and logs
>> below. The proftpd log says that the user name is wrong, but the sqllog
>> seems to indicate a successful hit on the user but a failed password
>> authentication (again, despite disabling PBKDF2). I would be most
>> grateful if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.
>> Thanks,
>> Adam
>> PostgreSQL 9.2
>> Nginx 1.1.19
>> ProFTPD 1.3.4a
>> - PG_HBA.CONF -
>> local   all             all                                     trust
>> host    all             all               trust
>> host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
>> host    all             all                    md5
>> Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf
>> UseIPv6                on
>> IdentLookups            off
>> ServerType            standalone
>> DeferWelcome            off
>> MultilineRFC2228        on
>> DefaultServer            on
>> ShowSymlinks            on
>> TimeoutNoTransfer        600
>> TimeoutStalled            600
>> TimeoutIdle            1200
>> DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
>> DisplayChdir                   .message true
>> ListOptions                    "-l"
>> DenyFilter            \*.*/
>> Port                21
>> PassivePorts                  30000 40000
>> MaxInstances            30
>> User                galaxy
>> Group                galaxy
>> Umask                077
>> AllowOverwrite            on
>> AuthOrder            mod_sql.c
>> SQLDefaultGID            1001
>> SQLDefaultUID            1001
>> TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
>> SystemLog   /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log
>> <IfModule mod_quotatab.c>
>> QuotaEngine off
>> </IfModule>
>> <IfModule mod_ratio.c>
>> Ratios off
>> </IfModule>
>> <IfModule mod_delay.c>
>> DelayEngine on
>> </IfModule>
>> <IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
>> ControlsEngine        off
>> ControlsMaxClients    2
>> ControlsLog           /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
>> ControlsInterval      5
>> ControlsSocket        /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock
>> </IfModule>
>> <IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
>> AdminControlsEngine off
>> </IfModule>
>> Include /etc/proftpd/conf.d/
>> - GALAXY.CONF (galaxy specific conf.d ProFTPD config file) -
>> ServerName    "Jay2"
>> DefaultRoot                     ~
>> CreateHome                      on dirmode 700
>> AllowOverwrite                  on
>> AllowStoreRestart               on
>> <Limit SITE_CHMOD>
>>    DenyAll
>> </Limit>
>> <Limit RETR>
>>    DenyAll
>> </Limit>
>> AuthPAM                         off
>> SQLPasswordEngine               on
>> SQLPasswordEncoding             hex
>> SQLEngine                       on
>> SQLBackend                      postgres
>> SQLConnectInfo                  galaxy@localhost:5432 galaxy galaxy
>> SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1
>> SQLAuthenticate                 users
>> SQLDefaultHomedir               /var/lib/proftpd/empty
>> SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
>> SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT
>> "email,password,'1001','1001','/home/galaxy/galaxy-supp/ftp/%U','/bin/bash'
>> FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"
>> SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd/sqlLog.txt
>> Sep 04 19:03:51 PCF10-WKS1572 proftpd[4846] PCF10-WKS1572
>> (localhost[]): FTP session closed.
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 PCF10-WKS1572 proftpd[5034] PCF10-WKS1572
>> (localhost[]): FTP session opened.
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 PCF10-WKS1572 proftpd[5034] PCF10-WKS1572
>> (localhost[]): USER panze...@kids.wustl.edu (Login failed): No
>> such user found.
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: defaulting to 'postgres' backend
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: backend module 'mod_sql_postgres/4.0.4'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> sql_sess_init
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres
>> cmd_defineconnection
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:  name: 'default'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:  user: 'galaxy'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:  host: 'localhost'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:    db: 'galaxy'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:  port: '5432'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]:   ttl: '0'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_defineconnection
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' successfully
>> established
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: mod_sql engine     : on
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: negative_cache     : off
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: authenticate       : users
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: usertable          : users
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: userid field       : userid
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: password field     : passwd
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: UID field          : uid
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: GID field          : gid
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: homedir field      : homedir
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: homedir(default)   :
>> '/var/lib/proftpd/empty'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: shell field        : shell
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: SQLMinUserUID      : 999
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: SQLMinUserGID      : 999
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< sql_sess_init
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> sql_pre_pass
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< sql_pre_pass
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> cmd_getpwnam
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: Postgres server version: 9.2.4
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: Postgres connection character set now
>> 'UTF8' (from 'UTF-8')
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' opened
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: cache miss for user
>> 'panze...@kids.wustl.edu'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> sql_lookup
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> process_named_query
>> 'LookupGalaxyUser'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_select
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: query "SELECT
>> email,password,'1001','1001','/home/galaxy/galaxy-supp/ftp/panze...@kids.wustl.edu','/bin/bash'
>> FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='panze...@kids.wustl.edu'"
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_select
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< process_named_query
>> 'LookupGalaxyUser'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< sql_lookup
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: cache miss for user
>> 'panze...@kids.wustl.edu'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: user 'panze...@kids.wustl.edu' cached
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: + pwd.pw_name  : panze...@kids.wustl.edu
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: + pwd.pw_uid   : 1001
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: + pwd.pw_gid   : 1001
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: + pwd.pw_dir   :
>> /home/galaxy/galaxy-supp/ftp/panze...@kids.wustl.edu
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: + pwd.pw_shell : /bin/bash
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< cmd_getpwnam
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> cmd_auth
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 2
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_open
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 1
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_escapestring
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: cache hit for user
>> 'panze...@kids.wustl.edu'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: >>> cmd_check
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: checking password using SQLAuthType
>> 'sha1'
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: 'sha1' SQLAuthType handler reports
>> failure
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< cmd_check
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: <<< cmd_auth
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_exit
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: entering     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' closed
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: connection 'default' count is now 0
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_close
>> Sep 04 19:14:57 mod_sql/4.3[5034]: exiting     postgres cmd_exit
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>> notify the sender via telephone or return email.
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