Vipin and Jennifer:

Thank you both very much for your helpful information here!


On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Vipin TS <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am the author for "fml_gff3togtf" tool package, currently merged into
> our instance at
>, The tool can be accessed with following
> link:
> --/Vipin
> Sloan-Kettering Institute
>  <>
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Jennifer Jackson <> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> There are no tools directly on the public Galaxy site to transform a GFF3
>> dataset into a BED12 dataset. However, the Tool Shed has a repository
>> called ' fml_gff3togtf' that includes a tool for this purpose, for use in a
>> local install. The description is a bit bothersome in that it a slightly
>> incorrect datatype statement, so be sure to test out the results. (the word
>> "wiggle" has no place in this statement: "
>> This tool converts gene transcript annotation from 
>> GFF3 format to UCSC wiggle 12 column BED format.")
>> I see your post at Biostar, and it might be helpful to let you know what
>> a BED12 file represents (plus I'll post this there, may help others):
>> A BED12 file describes the complete, often spliced, alignment of a
>> sequence to a reference genome. This does not include minor base variation,
>> it is a macro alignment. You can think of each of the blocks as being
>> "exons", although there is no magic here - if the sequence or genome had
>> quality problems, or significant variation (large insertion or deletion),
>> that could cause the alignment to fragment as well.
>> Here is the data description:
>> To see examples, at UCSC (, EST or mRNA track will have
>> this as the primary table format. All gene track can also be in BED12
>> format, or in a related one, genePred:
>> UCSC also has line-command utilities to convert between the formats,
>> pre-compiled versions are here:
>> Either way, you can convert the data, then load up into the public Galaxy
>> ( and proceed with your analysis. BEDTools works well with
>> BED12 files. There is definitely information loss attempting to transform
>> BED6 -> BED12, as the global alignment is lost. And adjusting attributes
>> such as score or name are often a preference, so you can alter these
>> however you want, as long as the attribute formatting rules for the columns
>> are followed.
>> Hopefully this helps,
>> Jen
>> Galaxy team
>> On 11/9/13 3:29 PM, lrutter wrote:
>>  Hello Galaxy:
>>  I am trying overall to convert a .gff3 file to 12-column .bed file.
>>  I first tried GFF-to-BED converter, but it gave a 6-column .bed file.
>>  Then, I tried BED-to-bigBed converter by inputting the 6-column .bed
>> file. I get an error "Unspecified genome build, click the pencil icon in
>> the history item to set the genome build".
>>  So, I click the pencil icon, and see 4 tabs at the top. I set the
>> "Attributes" tab as in the attached image (Attributes.png).
>>  But then, when I select "Convert Format", I am only seeing an option
>> that outputs .bed12 file as "Convert Genomic Intervals to Strict BED12". I
>> am a bit confused about this because I specified the input file as a .bed
>> file (and not genomic intervals, unless I am misunderstanding something).
>>  In any case, when I select "Convert Genomic Intervals to Strict BED12",
>> I do get a .bed file with 12 columns. But I would like to ask if I may have
>> lost information going from the .gff3 to .bed(6) to .bed(12)?
>>  (I feel that scores were all set to "0" from .gff3 to .bed(6), and
>> columns 10, 11, 12 (block counts, sizes, and starting positions) were all
>> set to zero going from .bed(6) to .bed(12)).
>>  If I am correct that there is information loss, is there a system in
>> Galaxy to prevent this, and transfer as much information as possible from
>> .gff3 to .bed(12)?
>>  Thank you.
>> L. Rutter
>>  ** Below is a head of my three files (the species is P. dominula):
>>  .gff3 file
>>  ##gff-version 3
>> ##date Mon Nov  4 14:54:42 2013
>> ##source gbrowse gbgff gff3 dumper
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   gene    15      1963    .       -       .
>> Name=PdomGene00025;ID=1;Dbxref=MAKER:maker-PdomScaf0001-snap-gene-0.274
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   mRNA    15      1963    .       -       .
>> Name=PdomMRNA00025.1;Parent=1;ID=2;_QI=216%7C0%7C0.2%7C0.6%7C0.5%7C0.6%7C5%7C0%7C98;_eAED=0.43;_AED=0.43;Dbxref=MAKER:maker-PdomScaf0001-snap-gene-0.274-mRNA-1
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   exon    15      100     -0.094  -       .
>> Parent=2;ID=3
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   CDS     15      100     .       -       2
>> Parent=2;ID=4
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   exon    223     300     21.8    -       .
>> Parent=2;ID=5
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   CDS     223     300     .       -       2
>> Parent=2;ID=6
>> PdomScaf0001    maker   exon    717     765     22.4    -       .
>> Parent=2;ID=7
>>  .bed(6) file
>>  PdomScaf0001    14      1963    gene    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    14      1963    mRNA    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    14      100     exon    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    14      100     CDS     0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    222     300     exon    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    222     300     CDS     0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    716     765     exon    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    716     765     CDS     0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    906     947     exon    0       -
>> PdomScaf0001    906     947     CDS     0       -
>>  .bed(12) file
>>  PdomScaf0001    14      1963    gene    0       -       14      1963
>>  0       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    14      1963    mRNA    0       -       14      1963    0
>>       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    14      100     exon    0       -       14      100     0
>>       0       ,       ,
>>  PdomScaf0001    14      100     CDS     0       -       14      100
>> 0       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    222     300     exon    0       -       222     300     0
>>       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    222     300     CDS     0       -       222     300     0
>>       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    716     765     exon    0       -       716     765     0
>>       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    716     765     CDS     0       -       716     765     0
>>       0       ,       ,
>>  PdomScaf0001    906     947     exon    0       -       906     947
>> 0       0       ,       ,
>> PdomScaf0001    906     947     CDS     0       -       906     947     0
>>       0       ,       ,
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>> Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
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