Hello Jen,

For this problem, you will need to reach the support or administrators for this public server.

The authors of the primary publication are probably the best contacts (I couldn't locate any others). You can find these linked from the paper, which is open source, but I will also send them to you direct (to avoid posting to a public list without permission first).


Galaxy team

On 12/31/13 9:18 AM, Jen wrote:

I've run across a possible bug in ODoSE that is preventing me from analyzing my 
data.  I've scoured the various help documentation without luck, so I'm writing 

I'm using the program via this site:

The history showing the steps below is here:


The problem is this: I'm unable to work with a set of genomes that is exclusively 
"user-generated" (i.e., external, and uploaded from my local drive).

To illustrate this problem with an example, I downloaded the .ffn files for 
four published genomes NCBI's ftp site.  (This way, I'm sure my 'external' 
files are formatted correctly.)

I've tried to follow these instructions from http://www.odose.nl/ (Analyze Data 
tab) -

"User-generated whole-genome data not yet archived in GenBank can be uploaded to be 
analysed separately or in conjunction with published genomes. To do this, first create a new 
history: in the right ‘History’ pane go to Options > Create New. In the left ‘Tools’ pane go 
to Get Data > Upload File and select one or multiple .ffn files from your computer and click 
This worked fine.

"Go to Divergence > Upload genomes in the ‘Tools’ pane, press the ‘Add new genome’ 
button, specify a genome label and press ‘Execute’ for each genome to be included…"
I was unable to find a "Divergence" option in the Tools pane.  So, I assumed this should be 
O'DoSE > Upload Genomes, in the Tools Pane.  Using this function, I uploaded each genome and 
selected "Execute."

"Proceed to the Workflow menu to add listed genomes and/or to specify input 
Perhaps this is my downfall, but I was unable to see how to add genomes in the 
Workflow menu.

At this point, I had uploaded four genomes, and attempted to select the first option in the analysis: 
"Extract & Translate Genes."  I chose the option of selecting my external genomes, but the analysis 
failed, giving the error "History does not include a dataset of the required format/build" error.  This 
error appears within the "Genbank Project ID's" box.  In this case, I have no Genbank Project ID's, 
because all data are external genomes.


The problem is solved by selecting at least one genome from the Complete Microbial Genomes 
table.  Selecting one genome generates a Project ID list.  I am then able to perform 
"Extract & Translate Genes" and all further functions, acting on the set of 
external genomes and the one selected (internal) genome.   I've tried this several times, 
with different external genome files.  I can successfully analyze dozens of external genomes, 
but _only if_ at least one 'internal' genome is selected as well.

I need to run an analysis on a set of genomes that is exclusively unpublished, so the 
data will be entirely "external" genomes. Including a published genome will 
throw off the comparisons we need to make.

Based on the ODoSE instructions above (that user-generated whole-genome 
data...can be uploaded to be analysed separately or in conjunction with 
published genomes), I sense I should be able to use exclusively 'external' 
genomes in an analysis.  Do you have any suggestions on how I can do this?   
Any advice would be much appreciated.

thank you,

(Apologies to the moderator for the earlier version of this message that was 
too large.  Above, I've removed the attachments showing screen shots.  I hope 
the problem is clear from the History link above.)

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Jennifer Hillman-Jackson

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