Dear Sir or Madam,

I am working for the University of Westminster on the ER-Flow project 
( I'm currently investigating a way to use the 
galaxy workflow engine with a command line interface in order to support it 
within our project.
The idea would be to develop a plugin that could make a link between our 
repository, where a galaxy workflow can be specified (workflow and inputs 
stored and output declared), and a galaxy server.

We have a specific way our existing plugins work.
It would be something like:
./executable -w workflow <list of inputs>
And then, outputs are retrieved and returned (they don't need to be given as 
command line parameters).

I had a quick look at the provided API within the galaxy project and I have 
some questions.
I saw this is possible to import the workflow to the server, then to execute it.
In my plugin, I would have to import the workflow, then run it with inputs 
listed in the executable command line, and after a successful execution, I 
would have to retrieve the outputs generated, then delete the created workflow 
and any files related that exist.

Is it currently possible for me, in a short time, to develop such plugin 
performing operations previously described using the existing API?
If yes, could you please provide me more information on the current API or some 
help on the different tools I should use?

Many thanks and kind regards,

Benoît Meilhac

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. 
Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, 
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