
*We have released a new version of Galaxy CloudMan on AWS.* CloudMan
<https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan/> offers an easy way to get a
personal and completely functional instance of Galaxy in the cloud in just
a few minutes, without any manual configuration or imposed quotas. Once
running, you have complete control over Galaxy, including the ability to
install new tools.

Most notable changes include:
 * Galaxy 16.01 release
 * A fine-grained control over auto-scaling options
 * Several fixes to cluster sharing and cloning

<https://github.com/galaxyproject/cloudman/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> for a
more complete set of changes.

Give it a whirl at launch.usegalaxy.org or take a look at the Getting
Started <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan/GettingStarted>
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