Hi David,

Trinity is still under development and really shouldn't be on the Test instance yet (in fact, we are removing it). Very sorry about any confusion. It is a known that assembly tools would be very useful for many of our users (starting from a few sources: SAMTools Pileup, de novo RNA-seq) and are working towards tools/solutions in the near term.

To be alerted when new tools are available, you can follow our News RSS feed http://galaxyproject.org/wiki/News. New tools are always announced in the News Brief, in an email to mailing list subscribers, and sometimes Tweeted.

Thanks for using Galaxy!


Galaxy team

On 9/13/11 2:03 PM, David Joly wrote:
I want to run Trinity on the "test" instance of Galaxy, but there seems
to be a problem. The analysis complete very quickly and I've got no
assembled transcripts. In the log file created by Trinity, there is one
<http://1204985.thumper.g2.bx.psu.edu.SC>:  11:  Trinity.pl:  not found
Any idea?

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Jennifer Jackson
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