This mail is an automated notification from the task tracker
 of the project: Galette.

[task #608] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <>
Project: Galette
Submitted by: Frédéric Jacquot
On: Wed 07/14/2004 at 05:24

Should Start On:  Wed 07/14/2004 at 00:00
Should be Finished on:  Wed 07/14/2004 at 00:00
Category:  None
Priority:  6
Resolution:  None
Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0%
Status:  Open
Effort:  0.00

Summary:  Localisation des libellés des champs dynamiques

Original Submission:  Actuellement les champs dynamiques ne s'affichent qu'en 
une seule langue.

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