In Ubuntu desktop path is in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 21:51, Willy Raets <> wrote:

> On di, 2012-03-06 at 20:34 +0100, Matti wrote:
> > Willy,
> >
> > The easiest solution to store some infos would be to use gb.settings.
> > Then you don't have to care about directories at all, gambas does it for
> you,
> > and you can read/write the infos very easily.
> > See
> > But I don't know what you store in your SystemInfo.txt, maybe this is not
> > practicable.
> That would not be practical. The SystemInfo.txt is a file that provides
> system information (like window manager used, desktop used, gambas
> version, gambas path, and a lot more) and error information (when an
> error occurs) from systems the application run on.
> For example: I have some problems not related to my application but
> related to Gambas version runtime installed (gbx2 < 2.22 gives problems)
> on the users system.
> Solution when I get a SystemInfo.txt from him would be upgrade runtime
> to version 2.22 or 2.23. Understand the reason.
> I have some other problem related only on certain distros with KDE for
> example.
> This systeminfo text is central in my error reporting system as it tells
> me a lot about the behaviour of my application on different distros,
> desktops and so on. Really useful to me.
> >
> > If so, why do you want to use "~/Desktop" by all means? Why not make a
> directory
> > "~/.YourApp" and store the SystemInfo.txt there? So it would be the same
> on
> > every system?
> Putting the file on the desktop makes it easy for the user to find and
> send back to me. We are talking end users here, so it needs to be easy
> for them. That is why.
> I was hoping for something like on Widows (%desktop%) which always works
> no matter what language, but I guess there is no sort of equivalent that
> works on all linux distros. At least I could not find it.
> Thanks for thinking along
> Willy
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