It looks as thought there might be a special character hidden somewhere 
in that file.

You can check the file encoding to make sure it is not some bastard 
encoding with the command-line: `file .gtkrc-2.0:1`

You can also view special characters in a text file with the VI editor.
`vi .gtkrc-2.0:1`
Then type ":set list" to show special characters.
":set nolist" turns that off, and
":q" quits out of VI.

You might be able to 'fix' it by simply loading it up into a visual text 
editor, manually setting its encoding, and saving it.



"Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

On 10/18/2014 05:32 PM, wrote:
> I have installed Gambas v 3.6  on to Xubuntu. Then I started to set up a
> new project. This was mainly to test how well I remembered  working
> previously with version 2. When I ran a test I saw an error message on
> the console ...
> .gtkrc-2.0:1: error: unexpected character '\342', expected string
> constant
> So I checked out the .gtkrc file
> style “xfdesktop-icon-view” {
> XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0
> fg[NORMAL] = “#fafa06”
> fg[SELECTED] = “#fafa06”
> fg[ACTIVE] = “#fafa06”
> }
> widget_class “*XfdesktopIconView*” style “xfdesktop-icon-view”
> Just a normal file to set some colours. Now I am baffled, although the
> test file still seems to run OK. If anyone can point me in the right
> direction I would be very grateful,
> Thanks
> Neil
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