Dear All,

I'm starting a new project. In a few words is a set of controls to interact 
with Arduino using the Firmata protocol[1]. 
To understand better, in general the idea is inspired by Ctrlr[2] that allows 
interact with MIDI controllers adding simple components in a form..

I started implementing it like that
 * A global "Firmata" component with:

   - A virtual "Firmata" control that Inherits SerialPort that is responsible 
for the communication through the serial port. It is completely configured 
graphically, and provides new functions (To send commands to Arduino) and 
events (To notify arduino event to others Controls) to interact with Arduino.

   - Others controls Inherits UserControls. Eg: A FirmataSwitchButton to show 
the status of a digital input, or FirmataProgressBar to show a Analog Input.. 
Always responding to events of Firmata Control

My idea is that it should be completely graphic, and the procedure would be 
like this:

 1. Add a Firmata control.
 2. Configure the control: ¡NAME!(Eg: "Firmata1"), port, baud, etc..
 3. Add FirmataSwitchButton.
 4. Configure the FirmataSwitchButton: Digital Pin to represent, but 
fundamentally the Firmata control used represented by the string property as 

Now, through the name I need to get the object Firmata configured to make 
controls interact with it.
Why not make the controls inherit from Firmata? Because it would configure all 
controls individually.. The idea is to set up once, to use many.. ;)

Anyone know how to do this?
I found this[3], but it seems not work

> Dim hFirmata As Firmata

> hFirmata = Class["Firmata1"].Instance

When running Gambas respond: "Is not a object".


p.s: If this works could be extrapolated to MIDI fairly easy.. =)



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