On Wed, 15 Feb 2017, Gianluigi wrote:
> Hi Fabien,
> let's see if I can clarify this.
> In Gambas there are three different types of class:
> - The real Class and its to be instantiated through the constructor (_new).
> - The Form which is a class already instantiated, but can receive the
> parameters which exposes the constructor (_new).
> - The Module is a class already instantiated, and that does not expose the
> constructor.
> Therefore I can refer to a module with Me, I can use inside events and I
> can even assign _new with another name to the module even if do not really
> need.
> I'm on the right track?

This is not how I would understand the matter. First of all, you have your
normal classes in Gambas. You can alter their behaviour by setting certain
"flags" in your class. These flags are actually keywords in the Gambas
language and you have to specify them at the beginning of your class file
at compile time.

  o CREATE PRIVATE tells the interpreter that the current class is not
  o CREATE STATIC tells the interpreter to create an automatic instance of
    the class which is used automatically when you use the class name like
    an object.

There is also EXPORT and INHERITS, but they're of minor relevance for the
topic at hand.

None of these flags influence the presence of ME or events. They are always

Now, a module is a normal class in which every symbol is implicitly made
static by the compiler. You can still create objects from a module but that
isn't useful because you don't have dynamic symbols in a module. You will
just end up with multiple objects that all reference the same data.

The only way the Form class is any special is because it has dedicated
support for .form files in the compiler. Other than that it is a normal
class -- which uses the CREATE STATIC flag. Quoting the definition of the
Form class from gb.qt4/src/CWindow.cpp:

1466 GB_DESC CFormDesc[] =
1467 {
1468         GB_DECLARE("Form", sizeof(CFORM)), GB_INHERITS("Window"),
1469         GB_AUTO_CREATABLE(),
1471         GB_STATIC_METHOD("Main", NULL, CFORM_main, NULL),
1472         GB_STATIC_METHOD("Load", NULL, CFORM_load, "[(Parent)Control;]"),
1473         GB_METHOD("_new", NULL, CFORM_new, NULL),
1475         FORM_DESCRIPTION,
1477         GB_END_DECLARE
1478 };

The macro GB_AUTO_CREATABLE() is the C rendition of CREATE STATIC. As you
can see, Form just inherits Window and adds three further methods. These
methods are actually what makes Form classes behave the special way they
do, like automatically showing on program startup and being their own event
observers. (And, well, there's the FORM_DESCRIPTION macro but don't worry
about it.) My point is, the behaviour of a Form is accomplished by standard
Gambas mechanisms, that are available to everyone (only the conversion of
.form files to executable code needs specific support in the compiler).


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