Le 03/04/2017 à 00:48, d4t4f...@gmail.com a écrit :
> I do not see the need to "force" developers needing timezone handling
> functionality to add a reference to gb.util.web; expecting to have
> timezone capability in a web component is simply not intuitive.
> Couldn't the timezone be a new property of the Date type/object,
> defaulting to the System's timezone? This way older programs and
> interpreters ignoring it would still work.
> An alternative would be to add an (optional) timezone pareter to
> DateAdd, and/or a new Format specifier for timezone. I do not have it
> present now, but if Gambas has Dateserial/Timeserial functions, they
> could too receive timezone as optional info.
> Just my two cents. zxMarce

A lot of confusion again...

Time is absolute in Gambas: there is no timezone associated with a 
Gambas date/time value.

Timezone is a local concept. By the way you have System.Timezone to get 
the local timezone of your system.

When I talk about gb.util.web, I think about a function that convert a 
standard (RFC #xxxx) date/time string representation with a timezone to 
a Gambas date/time value.

Of course, it can be in gb.util. It depends on the format. If it is a 
specific web date format, it's logical to put it in gb.util.web instead.


Benoît Minisini

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