Am 28.08.2017 06:08, schrieb Christof Thalhofer:
Am 28.08.2017 um 05:48 schrieb Christof Thalhofer:

We will have to wait until TB 57

Ahm sorry, "TB 52.4 at the end of September".

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

Strange that you see this only now. I have had this problem for ages. On my main system, I work with Thunderbird 17, and it has shown this forever.

The problem arises when I get 2 mails from someone, one mail is with the personal adress and one Answer button only, the other one has Answer AND Answer to List. In most cases, the two mails appear in different fonts. So I am pretty much used to looking for the right one and clicking Answer To List.

As this has been going for years, I would not wonder anymore. The only thing that changed recently is that I now get mails with "mailing list for Gambas users" instead of the sender's name.


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