It does clear up what you mean. One of the whole points of this game was 
to capture the original game aspect. Have you played the side scroller 
level of Pipe2 Blast Chamber by BSC Games? Have you played Super Liam? 
These are perfect examples of a side scroller. Think of you watching 
your character on television. Think of it as a 2d image instead of a 3d 
like Shades of Doom. Or even better. Imagine your character is simply 
drawn on a piece of paper in front of you. You read from left to right. 
This is like walking forward. If you go to the left you are moving 
backwards. This way there is only a 2d sence. 2d as in two dimensional 
is what I mean.

Hope this clears it up.

Mich Verrier said the following on Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 10:30:16PM -0400:
> hi ok what I meant was this in the side scroler game when you move your 
> character sideways across the screen using the left and right arrow keys and 
> you hear the sounds coming up from your left speeker  either side of you and 
> from your right speeker as well as  in frunt  I find that a bit confusing 
> what I would rather like to see is to have the same set up but in stead use 
> the up and down and left and right  arrow keys for moving forwerd back left 
> and right   and so that it creates a feeling like you are walking in a 
> strait line and then the sounds will come up on your right and left but you 
> would have a better sence of derection. Like the way it is in Sod.   I hope 
> this helps clear up what I meant if not then please let me know.

Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc

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