I don't know if this is authentic or not.  Anyways here is the text from the 
squidsoft.net site.  I'm hoping some of you know more about this.

Squidsoft.net - Star Conquest: Catalyst
Star Conquest: Catalyst - Things are about to change.


We felt we should provide an update on our progress on Star Conquest. For those 
who saw the update on April 1, yes, April Fool's and such.

So what's taking so long? We're drastically updating pretty much the whole of 
the game. Some of SC's code was written 8 years ago, and it definitely shows.
Many portions of the codebase have been rewritten from the ground up.

But not all the changes are on the backend, not by any means. Our number one 
goal is to retain the classic feel of SC that many players have come to love.
At the same time, it's time for some things to be updated. It's time for the 
story to move on.

Star Conquest will reopen in the midst of a long story arc that will change the 
face of the world forever. You will have new friends and new enemies, new
places to explore, new ways to make money, new things to do, and a whole mess 
of new ways to tinker with your ship. We believe our old fans will be very
happy with the new changes, and we believe new players will be quite pleased to 
play the sort of game we can create after years and years of combined 

Keep watching this space. Day One will come soon enough, and we promise an 
exciting start to your next tour of duty as starship pilot. 

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