Hi, Raul.
First, thing you do is see a Tholian stay about 6 or 7 units away from 
them. Let them fire all they want at you and waiste energy. Once they 
begin running low on shots, close to a distance 1 unit, from them. Save 
your phasers as you will need it for close in fighting.
They will put you in a web and hopefully the shot won't be to bad. Don't 
worry about it. If you have been saving your phasers, give them the 
everything.  That will either kill them or heavily damage them.
Now, if you add in a second ship that helps make sure they are dead on 
the higher experience levels. On lower levels I can take them in one on 
one fights. In higher levels I attempt to gang up on them with to or more.
The key to success is evade them while taking shots from them. That is 
good as when you finally intentially get drug in to th Tholian web there 
shots will be inneffective, and your shots will be strong. You have to 
be under 2 units distant for your phasers to have any real effect 
against the Tholians and that is why you should save until you are ready 
to shoot them.

Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
> Hi. Any advice on fighting the Tholians? Tipically I have two or three 
> ships trying to surround them. Or if I don't have three ships available 
> to do this then I'll have two ships at a starbase waiting for them to go 
> there. This way I can recharge energy to use phasers. I usually wait 
> until they are 2 or 3 sectors away but by then I'm low on energy because 
> of them firing on me from far distances. What ideas do you have?
> I've obviously done something write because on the Don't Hurt me 
> difficulty I've managed to witn the game with zero or one ships lost at 
> most. I just wonder what strategies will work better than the one I 
> mentioned.
> Thanks.

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