Hi, Raul.
If any of us are to get to the bottom of it a copy of the source would 
be helpful as well. As everyone knows I wrote a handful of missions 
myself, and while I am out of practice I did know the parcing code 
pretty well.
I am sure someone like me, David Lant, or any of the other mission 
writers could solve the error in a matter of minutes with the source as 
long as it is not totally boched.

Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
> Hello Ivan. Have you read the fine manual (rtfm) on creating missions?
> That is the first place I'd point you to. At the end of the manual David 
> Greenwood put in a sample mission.
> When you try to compile do you get errors? If so, what are the errors? 
> Without this information it is hard to suggest where to go or what to do 
> about your problem.

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